Two Oceans marlin tournament in struisbaai

The Two Oceans Marlin Tournament (TOMT) is a much-anticipated event in the Cape fishing calendar and has been since its inception in 2006. Held annually in the picturesque town of Struisbaai, the tournament has grown from strength to strength over the years and has become one of the most sought-after fishing competitions in South Africa.

The tournament was first held in 2007 and was organized by the Suidpunt Angling Club. It attracted 9 boats and was a modest affair compared to what it is today. Fast forward to 2022 and the tournament saw 39 boats participating with 174 fishermen taking part in the competition. The growth of the tournament is a testament to its popularity and the high regard it is held in by anglers from all over the country.

The tournament is more about camaraderie, sustainability, and sportsmanship than anything else. The organizers have been careful to limit the number of boats to 40, with an additional 5 boats being moored in the bay of Struisbaai itself. This decision has been taken to maintain the spirit of the tournament and to ensure that it remains focused on the values that it was founded on.

TOMT is a catch and release tournament, and this has been a key factor in its success. The organizers believe that it is more important to conserve the marine environment than to award large prizes to participants. This philosophy has ensured that the tournament remains based on sound principles and that the future of the tournament is secure.

The Suidpunt Angling Club deserves a lot of credit for hosting the tournament and ensuring that all participants, sponsors, and families are made to feel welcome. The club works tirelessly to create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere, and this has helped to make TOMT one of the most popular events on the Cape fishing calendar.  They also want to encourage the participatition of local businesses to this magnificent event.

The tournament runs for a week and is packed with activities for all participants. In addition to the fishing, there are also plenty of opportunities for socializing, and this is one of the things that makes TOMT such a special event. The atmosphere is relaxed, and everyone is encouraged to have a good time. Whether you are an experienced fisherman or a novice, there is something for everyone at TOMT.

In conclusion, the Two Oceans Marlin Tournament is an event that is truly unique and has become an integral part of the Cape fishing calendar. Its success is due to the values that it was founded on, and the organizers should be commended for maintaining these values over the years. Whether you are an experienced fisherman or just looking to try something new, TOMT is an event that should not be missed. With the 17th edition of the tournament taking place from the 11th to 17th of February 2023, be sure to mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience in Struisbaai.


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