How to survive loadshedding in the Southern tip of Africa

As South Africans, we’ve become accustomed to loadshedding, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to adjust to. To make it a bit more bearable, here are some survival tips that should help you get through it with a smile.

1. Invest in a solar. This is probably the most obvious solution, but it’s also the most expensive. However, if you’re willing to invest in solar, the environment will love you and you won’t have to worry about loadshedding ever again.  At Landsedge, we have fully equipped Solar systems to get our guests through all the stages of loadshedding

2. Get creative with lighting. Candles and oil lamps are a great way to light up your home during loadshedding. And don’t forget that indoor braai fire.  It not only heats up the place in winter, the warm embers are wonderful to cosy up for a romantic evening. 

3. Have a plan. Make sure you know what you’re going to do when the power goes out. Get your board games, kindle, and wine out for a wonderful evening of togetherness.  

4. Stock up on snacks. During loadshedding, you’ll want to have plenty of snacks on hand. Get a few extras, so you won’t have to worry about cooking or having to go out in the dark.

5. Make sure you’re prepared. Have a list of items you need to have ready in case of a power outage. Remember those flashlights, batteries, extra matches and what not.  What have we missed here?

6. Invest in a solar-powered charger. This is a great way to make sure you still have access to your phone, laptop, and other devices during loadshedding.

7. Get creative with heating. During winter, it can get cold without electricity. Make sure you have plenty of blankets and other items to keep you warm.

8. Have a backup plan. Make sure you know what you’re going to do if the power goes out for an extended period of time. Have a list of activities you can do, such as going for a walk, playing cards, or having a picnic.

9. Have fun. Loadshedding is a pain.  Make lemonade.  Use the opportunity to bond with your family and friends, and make the best of the situation.

10. Stay positive. Remember, loadshedding is only temporary.  As they say ‘This too shall pass’’  Before you know it, the power will be back on and you’ll be able to get back to your regular routine.

And If you really need a break, come to Landsedge self catering accommodation in Struisbaai, where you will have always on electricity.  We even harvest rainwater, so you can have an eco friendly, sustainable holiday.

Finallly, loadshedding can be a real pain, keep your smile on to get through it. Good luck!


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