growing green

At Lands Edge, we are committed to preserving the beauty of Struisbaai and supporting the local ecosystem. One way we do this is by planting only indigenous and local plants around our accommodation. This not only helps preserve the natural beauty of the area but also supports local wildlife and other natural processes.

Indigenous plants are those that are native to a particular region and have evolved to thrive in the local climate and soil conditions. By planting these types of plants, we are ensuring that the ecosystem remains balanced, and the plants can support local wildlife and other natural processes. This is critical for the long-term sustainability of the area.

At Lands Edge, we have planted a variety of indigenous plants, including fynbos and succulents. Fynbos is a unique type of vegetation found only in the Western Cape of South Africa. It is known for its vibrant colors and diverse species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. Succulents are also native to the area and are known for their ability to retain water, making them well-suited to the dry and windy conditions of the region.

By planting these indigenous plants, we are creating a habitat that supports a range of local wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. These plants provide food and shelter for these animals, which in turn helps to maintain the natural balance of the ecosystem. In addition, by planting locally adapted plants, we are helping to prevent the introduction of invasive species, which can have a devastating impact on the local environment.

In addition to our commitment to indigenous plant life, we also prioritize sustainable practices in all aspects of our business. We use eco-friendly cleaning products and encourage guests to conserve water and electricity during their stay. We also recycle and compost all waste generated on our property.

We believe that sustainability is essential for the long-term success of our business and the community. We want to be responsible stewards of the environment and support the local community by promoting sustainable tourism practices.

We recognize that sustainable tourism is a complex issue, and there are many different factors to consider. However, we believe that by planting indigenous plants, we are taking a critical step in the right direction. By creating a habitat that supports local wildlife and maintaining the natural balance of the ecosystem, we can ensure that future generations can enjoy the natural beauty of Struisbaai.

In conclusion, at Lands Edge, we take our commitment to sustainability seriously. We believe that planting indigenous and local plants around our accommodation is an important step in supporting the local ecosystem and preserving the natural beauty of Struisbaai. We will continue to prioritize sustainable practices in all aspects of our business, and we hope that our guests will join us in supporting sustainable tourism.


Culinary Delights: A Tour of Struisbaai's Best Restaurants and Cafes


Escape to the Edge: Taking my parents to Lands Edge